Relatable and pretty insightful.

4 pillars of a beautiful life innit?

Their absence alongside a few other things mostly leads to emptiness

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This is wonderfully well written. I loved the part where you talked about self-acceptance and how important it is to find a balance. I look forward to the part 2 💕

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Dear Dolapo, thank you so much for this masterpiece. This is exactly what I need at this phase of my life right now .

By the way, I've missed receiving your newsletter often. I know you've been busy with lots of stuffs. I love forward to the second part of this masterpiece and more writings

Stay blessed.

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Wow, really timely.

Transitioning into a more disciplined version of yourself has to be the hardest thing about growth, everything you do seems wrong. The self awareness can be really crippling, but then again, "trust the process".

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A very wonderful read. The third point reminded me of my personal experience with self-acceptance and the consequential self-love. I look forward to reading the 2nd part, hopefully there’ll be one.

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Thank you Dolapo.

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